Have you and your co-parent gone through a hard trial that left you emotionally drained and devastated? Or perhaps you and your co-parent were lucky enough to collaboratively develop a parenting plan through meditation? Nonetheless, decoupling and transforming a once intimate relationship into cooperative co-parenting takes time and active efforts in repairing the relationship and establishing a new norm. As a relationship expert, I can assist you in different ways:

Facilitation of Conflict Resolution

I can facilitate and mediate the parents' discussion on specific issues that they cannot resolve on their own. My facilitation allows parents to discuss difficult issues within a structured, emotionally safe container I provide throughout the session. This process is different from mediation as I am actively engaged in the discussion, providing an expert's opinion as appropriate and needed. 

CoParenting Coaching

Coparenting can be very challenging, especially at the beginning of separation. I am often retained to provide ongoing parenting support while ensuring the children's safety and well-being as the center of my attention.  I meet each parent separately and jointly or sometimes with the children, depending on the families’ needs. I focus on the parents to develop useful skills and tools to improve and maintain a strong co-parenting relationship in the long term.  

Post-Resolution Parenting Coordination

When the parents remain in a highly conflicted relationship after divorce, I can be retained as a Parenting Coordinator. My role would be similar to a Coparenting Coach as described above. However, as a Parenting Coordinator, I typically have power to arbitrate when the parents cannot resolve the matters on their own or through facilitated discussions. When decisions need to be made quickly, I will use my best professional judgement to resolve the issues at hand.  However, my first option is always coaching the parents to work it through with each other to develop their co-parenting muscles for their long-term relationship. I follow the Parenting Coordinator guideline recommended by Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC).

**Any of the services above can be provided to parents who are not living in the same geographical area. I have worked with several clients who lived on different continents, whether due to permanent residential change or temporary work relocation. We were able to complete each session seamlessly via video conferencing. 


Parenting Coordination service is based on a retainer, typically minimum of 20 hours. Other services can be fee for service, out-of-network.

Contact Yoshimi